• Question: what is the most interesting thing you have learnt as a scientist

    Asked by anon-234422 to Phill, Liam, Kohinoor, Karolina, Jack, Debbie on 13 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Debbie Kinsey

      Debbie Kinsey answered on 13 Nov 2019:

      Because all my projects include talking to people about their experiences with whatever it is I’m researching, the most interesting thing is always the things people tell me. Everyone always has an interesting point of view or story to tell. I feel really privileged getting to hear it all!

    • Photo: Jack Joyce

      Jack Joyce answered on 13 Nov 2019:

      Hmmm… I think the most interesting thing I’ve learnt is how it’s very difficult to understand what people mean and it’s a wonder that we can communicate at all!

      Humans have loads of unspoken, unwritten rules about language that we treat as ‘common sense’, but why is it common sense? why do we *know* to speak one at a time, or went to start talking? people do the same kinds of things across languages and in different environments. I guess what I’m trying to say is: the most interesting thing I’ve learnt is that ‘common sense’ is just a bunch of hidden rules that we have that dictate how we live our lives.

    • Photo: Liam Wignall

      Liam Wignall answered on 14 Nov 2019:

      Just how easy it is to trick humans through predicting human behaviour.
