• Question: how many brain cells are there in the brain

    Asked by anon-234366 to Liam, Karolina, Jack, Debbie on 21 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Jack Joyce

      Jack Joyce answered on 21 Nov 2019:

      Lots! and more than we can probably count. I think the current approximation is about 100 billion cells.

    • Photo: Debbie Kinsey

      Debbie Kinsey answered on 21 Nov 2019:

      There are different estimates (because there are literally too many to count!), but somewhere between 86 billion and 100 billion cells. And each cell has loads of connections (called synapses) to other cells, so we have billions of cells and trillions of synapses!
      Interestingly, even though our brains have that many cells, there’s also a lot of research which says our brains find it difficult to imagine just how big numbers like a billion are!

    • Photo: Liam Wignall

      Liam Wignall answered on 21 Nov 2019:

      I once read “there are as many cells and connections in the brain as there are stars in the universe.” I’m not sure if it’s true, but it sounds fun!
